Balancing Rituals with Crystals

  • ・Crystals




    ・Yoga Mat

Throughout history, various ancient civilizations across the globe have used crystals and gemstones for decorative purposes, jewelry making, and other fields. However, they also possess healing properties linked to their unique energetic vibrations: depending on the nature of the crystal or gemstone, these targeted properties vary and provide their healing powers.

The energetic vibrations of the physical and the subtle body resonate with those of the crystals or gemstones. These bring their healing powers when placed on the part of the body where the chakra is to be rebalanced but also worn as jewelry or in the space in which you are. Several semi-precious stones help improve the functioning of the Chakras. Each chakra is specific, and every crystal's placement goes according to the chakra's location.

The Chakras

  • The Crown Chakra is at the top of the head, and the color of its crystals varies from violet to white.

  • The Third-Eye Chakra is between the eyebrows, and the color of its Crystals varies from dark blue to indigo.

  • The Throat Chakra is at the base of the throat, and the color of its Crystals is blue.

  • The Heart Chakra is on the chest, and the color of its Crystals is green.

  • The Solar Plexus Chakra is at the base of the throat, and the color of its Crystals is yellow and gold.

  • The Sacral Chakra is below the navel, and the color of its Crystals is orange.

  • The Root Chakra is at the base of the spine, and the color of its Crystals is red.

The Ritual 

Set an ambiance before you start your ritual by clearing the air with incense. Light some candles and play some relaxing music. Find a comfortable, flat place, like your yoga mat or bed, and lie down. Focus on your breath comfortably and place the crystals over the location they belong to. Imagine the energy of the crystals healing your chakras. Feel their power lighting up your chakras.



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