• Secret Ceres never expires. With regular use (once weekly), Secret Ceres will last 6 to 12 months, amounting to an investment of $10 per month. Eventually, the healing herbs and kaolin clay slowly dissolve and are absorbed by the body, causing the wand to reduce in size gradually. With frequent external use on more significant skin parts, Secret Ceres will decrease in size faster.

  • Secret Ceres is neither a stone nor a rock. We sometimes refer to it as a "stone" because it has a stone-like appearance and texture due to its elements of kaolin clay, minerals, and many potent ancient medicinal herbs.

  • Yes, with each use, the healing herbs and kaolin clay will dissolve and be absorbed, causing it to reduce in size gradually. Your Secret Ceres will last from 6 to 12 months, depending on the frequency of use.

  • No. Please do not use Secret Ceres in the shower or bath, as the water will cause the wand to dissolve quickly. After each use, always carefully dry your Secret Ceres wand with a towel.

  • No. Please do not use any soaps or washes in conjunction with Secret Ceres, as it is working to balance the pH inside the vagina, and chemical substances may have the opposite effect. Once pH is balanced, odor-causing bacteria and microorganisms cannot grow, and you will feel fresh and clean for the next few days.

  • We recommend that women abstain from chemical or artificial washing solutions in their intimate areas. Secret Ceres naturally balances the flora and eliminates dead skin and odor, leaving the yoni cleansed and fresh after shedding the dead skin cells. We recommend women only use water and a washcloth to remove any dead skin cells between the inner and outer labia and the prepuce surrounding the clitoris. If a woman does not feel comfortable without using a wash lotion, she may continue to do that but should make sure it is a natural and soap-free product to maintain her rebalanced flora.

  • It is okay to use natural oils and ointments in between the labia. You may use mild oils such as coconut oil inside the vagina.

  • Vaginal odor is an unpleasant smell, usually resulting from a pH imbalance which has allowed for the proliferation of odor-causing microorganisms in the yoni. Vaginal odor may be fishy, sometimes signifying BV (bacterial vaginosis), or "yeasty," signifying a yeast infection.

  • "Bad" odor is often the result of a pH imbalance and not necessarily because of lack of hygiene but wrong hygiene (see our detailed section on intimate hygiene). At times, using the "wrong" products or chemical ingredients in products can cause an imbalance and result in an unpleasant odor. The optimal pH range is 3.5 to 4.5, yet it allows odor-causing microorganisms to flourish when imbalanced, which may lead to an unpleasant odor and, if recurrent, maybe even yeast infections.

  • Yes. Secret Ceres can help eliminate and prevent unpleasant odors. Maintaining a healthy pH can help ensure that the bacteria that is naturally present in your yoni is balanced, and odor-causing microorganisms will not be able to flourish.

  • pH or potential of hydrogen is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. A number from 0 to 14 signifies the pH of a substance. The lower the value, the more acidic the substance. Distilled water is neutral, with a pH of 7.

  • The ideal pH level in the yoni is between 3.5 and 4.5 (slightly acidic) and is essential for maintaining good internal health. At this optimum pH level, your feminine center contains a balance of necessary bacteria and some yeast cells. This delicate balance can be easily disturbed by poor diet, chemical soaps, chemical douching, etc. A healthy pH can be maintained using Secret Ceres once a week or when an imbalance is most likely.

  • The word "microflora" refers to the live microscopic organisms that populate different areas of the body, for example, in the vagina, the mouth, and the gut. The beneficial flora act as protective agents and strengthen the immune system. There are also destructive strains that can weaken the body. Maintaining a properly balanced microflora where the beneficial organisms are dominant is essential. It will free the intimate area from infections, inflammation, and other imbalances.

  • Your vagina is self-cleaning, but your vulva is not. Culturally, hygiene routines and body care regimes vary. Women in Middle Eastern, African, Asian, and South American cultures use floral vagina washes to cleanse inside the vagina as well as herbal steams and clays to nurture, purify and tone the feminine center and sexual organs.

    Western cultures proclaim not to tamper with the mucous environment of the vagina, while oral hygiene, on the other hand, is widely propagated and practiced. The mucous membrane in your vagina is very similar to that inside of your mouth. While the mouth produces saliva to cleanse itself, we still have developed tools to support a clean oral environment and wash our mouth regularly.

    Before the invention of the toothbrush, ulcers, bad breath, and bacteria in the oral mucous environment were common. In the same manner, various issues are common among women today due to the lack of care for their most precious environment, often because it is taboo and constantly surrounded by shame. Ultimately, every woman must decide what feels most natural and comfortable.

  • Over 50% of women indeed suffer from Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), recurring yeast or bacterial infection, and many bacterial vaginosis (BV) and, as a result, a pungent-smelling vagina. Many doctors write this off as usual because the majority of women, especially in the Western world, have these symptoms. However, just because these symptoms are common does not mean they are normal and should be accepted or maintained.

  • We recommend that women use Secret Ceres 1 to 2 times weekly when experiencing imbalances. Secret Ceres can help stabilize and balance the natural flora, which can lead to a resolution of these imbalances.

  • We do not recommend using Secret Ceres in conjunction with artificial substances. You may use Secret Ceres after your treatment to avoid any interference.

  • The wand is alkaline, and bacteria cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Therefore, it is safe to continue using the same Secret Ceres you used during your imbalance.

  • Due to the alkaline composition of Secret Ceres, bacteria do not grow on the wand. Secret Ceres is a 100% natural product and should never come in contact with harsh solutions or chemicals. The crystals contained in the wand are sensitive to extreme temperature fluctuations. Therefore, please do not rinse Secret Ceres under very cold or hot water, as this may cause the crystals to expand or contract, which can cause them to crack.

  • We do not recommend it to virgins and women with a prolapsed uterus who have had a hysterectomy or any other severe medical condition without consulting a doctor.

  • Secret Ceres is not FDA-approved. However, most food, vitamin supplements, or cosmetics at Whole Foods or your local health food store or pharmacy are not. We select only the purest and most potent ingredients and manufacture Secret Ceres under the highest quality standards. State-of-the-art labs regularly test all components in Germany to meet international regulations and guidelines.

  • We have had a lot of happy customers who used Secret Ceres during pregnancy, significantly to help them overcome infections and other imbalances. However, in the Western world, pregnancy is considered a 'high-risk condition'; therefore, every woman has to decide what is best for her during this time, and, if in doubt, should consult with her gynecologist. We cannot officially recommend Secret Ceres to pregnant women or women with medical conditions.

    Each woman uses the product at her peril and assessment.

  • Women and midwives report that the female organs, such as the uterus, regenerate faster with the support of Secret Ceres. We cannot make specific recommendations as we have not conducted clinical studies. We base our information on empirical evidence and narrative experiences from women who used Secret Ceres after childbirth and birthing centers that reported these observations.

  • Women resumed using Secret Ceres approximately 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth. Since pregnancy is an extraordinary time for a woman and each woman's body is unique, it is up to each woman to listen to her intuition to decide what is best for her.

  • No known contraindications or side effects have been reported to us.

  • Women report experiencing relief from the typical symptoms, which include vaginal dryness and heat flashes. However, we have not conducted any studies and cannot make any claims. It is not harmful, yet the customer has to decide if she feels better using Secret Ceres.

  • We do not recommend using Secret Ceres during menstruation, as this is a period of cleansing and release for every woman. After menstruation, Secret Ceres is a great way to cleanse the vagina of any menstrual residue.

  • Yes, as Secret Ceres is only introduced into the opening of the vagina, it does not interfere with any intrauterine device.

  • In the unusual event of Secret Ceres breaking inside the yoni, flex your pelvic muscle to push out the remaining piece. It is best achieved by squatting while simultaneously pulling the piece out with your fingertips. Alternatively, you may wait until the broken part has dissolved and softened into a paste; after approximately 24 hours, you can flush it out with plenty of warm water using your index finger. Secret Ceres will melt into a softened paste by absorbing moisture from your mucous skin. You should drink 2 to 3 liters of water throughout the next 24 hours to ensure maximum hydration during this process. A hot bath can help you relax your internal muscles and accelerate the process of dissolving the secret ceres inside you.

  • If you accidentally drop your Secret Ceres and it cracks or breaks, you can wet the two halves in water at room temperature and press the broken parts together while smudging the outside with your fingers as if you were modeling clay until they fuse into one piece. After that, you should stand it upright in an empty glass to allow it to dry overnight. After this, you may use your wand again. After repairing, handle it with extra care.

  • Unfortunately, imitation "herbal sticks" of poor quality are on the market, but we cannot vouch for the safety or efficacy of those products. Some retailers have even copied information word for word from our website and are imposter resellers that sell lower-grade products on their sites. Ensure you order directly from Awake Your Inner Body or a reputable reseller.