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A Message From The Kogi

  • 27935 West Winding Way Malibu, CA, 90265 United States (map)

"In order to heal ourselves, we must look within ourselves, for we are all the medicine we will ever need."


All living beings, including the Great Mother, have the magical capacity to heal and regenerate themselves. All medicine can be found in nature and our bodies. As we receive these words and teachings from our dear elder Kogi brothers, we feel very fortunate and grateful our paths have aligned, and we can become a bridge to share this vital message with more beings. We strongly resonate with their message since our mission at Awake Your Inner Body has always been to use what is already in nature to restore harmony where it's needed. Join us for our live stream, where more of this ancestral knowledge will be shared, enabling us to be in the best capacity to serve and help the Great Mother.

We are excited to welcome the Kogi tribe to Malibu for an extraordinary gathering where sacred knowledge about their culture and nature will be shared. The Kogi base their lifestyle on their belief in "Aluna," or "The Great Mother," who is the force behind nature. Earth is a living being making us her children, uniting us all in brotherhood. One of the main messages the mamos want to share with us is that the mother is deeply wounded, and we are running out of time to help her. Modern development and exploitation are injuring this living being more each moment that passes, and it is our mission to protect our dear home. They ask that we notice and devote ourselves to healing our planet, and to begin, we must acknowledge the mother's feminine energy and recognize that all women are creators and sacred beings that require healing as well.


About the Kogi Tribe

The Kogi Tribe are the Guardians of the Sierra Nevada. High in the mist-shrouded Colombian Andes, a unique culture thrives. The Kogi, also known as Kogui or Kágaba ("jaguar" in their language), have inhabited the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains for centuries, living in harmony with nature and safeguarding ancient traditions. They live in Harmony with the Earth; their world revolves around Mama, the Earth Mother, and Aluna, the spiritual world connected to all living things. The Kogi believe they are the "Younger Brothers" responsible for balancing these realms. Traditional rituals, woven with chants and offerings, connect them to their ancestors and guide their daily lives. Their craftsmanship is exquisite, evident in their vibrant textiles, intricate goldwork, and unique pottery.

Each piece carries symbolic meaning, reflecting their deep connection to nature and spiritual beliefs. However, the Kogi face increasing challenges as modern influences encroach upon their secluded territory. Tourism, illegal mining, and deforestation threaten their way of life and their sacred lands. Despite these challenges, the Kogi remain determined to preserve their ancestral wisdom. They share their message of ecological balance and spiritual connection with the world, hoping to inspire others to respect their unique culture and the fragile environment they protect. Exploring the Kogi's world is a journey into the heart of nature and ancient wisdom. Their story is a powerful reminder of the importance of sustainability, cultural preservation, and living in harmony with our planet. Remember, the Kogi prefer limited interaction with outsiders to protect their culture and way of life.



Kandy Maku (A Beacon of Kogi Wisdom)

Kandy Maku is a revered elder and spiritual leader within the Kogi tribe of the Colombian Sierra Nevada. His name, meaning "Earth Master" in their language, reflects his profound connection to the natural world and his vital role in safeguarding Kogi traditions. He has been a voice for Ancestral Knowledge for decades; Kandy Maku has been a guardian of Kogi's ancestral wisdom. He embodies their deep respect for Mama (Earth Mother) and Aluna (the spiritual world), guiding his people in living in harmony with nature. His chants, infused with ancient knowledge and powerful symbolism, connect the Kogi to their ancestors and navigate their daily lives. 



Samuel J (Award-Winning Musician)

Samuel J is an innovative singer-songwriter, producer, and conservationist from Cornwall, UK. His unique voice, gracious melodies, and deeply moving lyrics captivate hearts worldwide. Old wisdom runs through his music that speaks to people on a core level, reminding us of who we are beyond our constricting beliefs and stories. Many people identify with Samuel's incredible love and respect for all people and the importance of nature, a thread that shines through in his music. His empowering songs are part of a beautiful worldwide movement guiding us back into the light.

Vincent Berry II (Grammy Nominated Musical Artist)

Vincent Berry II is a remarkable figure in the music and business industries. His prodigious talent led him to collaborate with the music industry's icons, such as Mary J Blige, Dr. Dre, Usher, and many more. Berry's production of "Sandcastles" on Beyoncé's "Lemonade" won a Grammy and contributed to the album's distinction as Album of the Decade by the Associated Press. Beyond his musical accomplishments, Berry's foray into business is equally commendable. As an emerging manager for JA Capital Partners, he played a crucial role in raising $150 million for technological innovators. His genuine passion for Africa inspired him to found Twenty2 Partners, LLC, a business design consultancy aiming to forge connections between the African Diaspora and African nations.

Joie-May Silvers (Singer/Actress)

Joie-May Silvers is an Los Angelas-based singer, writer, actress and a humanitarian known for Re-Opening (2023), Sprout Diner (2006) and Kogi Message for the World - Live from Malibu (2021). Her mother, Reverend Wendy Silvers is the founder of the Million Mamas Movement, a Spiritual Midwife and Compassionate Parenting Educator.

Krishna Kaur (Kundalini Yoga Teacher)

Krishna Kaur is a dynamic, heart-centered yoga teacher who began studying yoga in 1970 and has passionately taught the art and science of Kundalini yoga and self-awareness for over 40 years. She brings knowledge and experience from teaching in Africa, Mexico, and inner cities throughout the United States. A master teacher trainer, she conducts workshops in Canada, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

Krishna is certified by the 3HO Foundation and the Kundalini Research Institute as a Kundalini yoga teacher and trainer of levels I and II. She is the regional coordinator for 3HO Africa, which unites Kundalini Yoga in Africa. Krishna also founded and runs Y.O.G.A. for Youth, a non-profit dedicated to training yoga teachers to work with at-risk youth and creating yoga programs in schools and juvenile facilities. 



Rev. Wendy Silvers (Founder of the Million Mamas Movement)

Reverend Wendy Silvers will be moderating the panel; she produces, hosts, and speaks at illustrious venues such as Agape International Spiritual Center, Conscious Living Expo, Bhakti Fest, Health Freedom, and Spiritual Centers. Wendy helps moms embody their power, raise empowered kids, and change the world through vision and grace. She is the founder of the Million Mamas Movement, a volunteer Ambassador for the Children's Health Defense California Chapter, creator of The Awakened Mother™ series, host of The Awakened Mother Podcast, and a co-author of the International bestselling book Balance for Busy Moms, releasing in spring 2022. 



Emma Nittolo (Founder of Awake Your Inner Body)

Emma is the Founder of Awake Your Inner Body, a companion to holistic living and sacred self-care. She developed Awake Your Inner Body to embrace the divine feminine and empower women globally to care for their bodies and heal their wombs while giving back to our indigenous roots. Awake Your Inner Body intends to cultivate this positive change by hosting events, celebrating holistic products, and supporting the indigenous ancestors who have paved the way and are the key to the future.

July 3

Krishna Kaur, Kundalini with Kogi